Bike WO #1 - Indoor Trainer
10min WU
3 intervals of 5min at 60rpms - holding biggest gear that I can, followed by 5min of EZ spinning at 80rpms
5min CD
Total WO Time = 45min
Crossfit Reclamation - "Total"
This was a simple workout in order to establish a baseline for strength on 3 different power exercises:
The Back Squat
The Strict Press
The Deadlift
Each are done in succession, and in this order. There is a very quick warm-up set, then 3 attempts whereby you only get one chance to address the barbell, and go for it. Spotters verify corect form and pass or fail you on your "rep". This is a "One Rep Max" exercise. In other words, given one attempt, what is the most you can do, once. Then, whatever your Max weight is for each, you "total" that number (in pounds).
Back Squat = 185# PR
Strict Press = 125# PR
Deadlift = 255# PR
Total score = 565#
Crossfit Reclamation - WOD - "KELLY"
5 Rounds of:
400m run
30 Wall Balls at 20#
30 Box Jumps at 24"
*** completed in 36:08
Crossfit Reclamation - WOD
Bench Press 8 sets of 3 reps, increasing weight each set:
95# - 135# - 140# - 155# - 165# x 3 (didn't have time for last set)
10min of:
Reps: 10-8-6-4-2 of alternating between Floor Kettlebell Shoulder Presses at 35# and Kettlebell Swings at 44#, then:
10min of:
Reps: 10-8-6-4-2 of alternating between Russion Triangles with 25# barbell, and Side Bride Push-ups
Crossfit Reclamation
Cleans Touch & Go, find the 3 rep Max weight, then stop. Mine was 125#.
AMRAP 8min of:
3 Cleans, followed by Lateral Burpees for remainder of each minute.
Total score equals number of burpees completed. Mine was 36.
Crossfit Reclamation
10min AMRAP:
Row 500m
5 Deadlifts at 135#
3 Toes to bar with Pull-up (TTB-PU)
5min rest - *** completed 2 rounds + 5 deadlifts
5min AMRAP:
30 DU's (or 90 singles)
30 SU's (Sit-ups)
5min rest - *** completed 2 rounds + 40 singles
5min AMRAP:
10 Med Ball Cleans - 20#
10 KB snatches (35#) 5 per side
10 Jumping alternating lunges
*** completed 2 rounds + 10 MB cleans
Bike WO #1 - Indoor Trainer
10min w/u
3 sets of 5min at 60rpm at biggest gear I can hold, followed by 5min of EZ spinning at 80rpms, then 5min c/d.
15min of mobility/stretching
Total time =60min
Total Training for the week = 6.0 hours
First two weeks of January I've hit 6 hours of training per week. I'm back on the bike finally. Next week I need to get in 2 bike workouts in 7 days, and the workout will change a bit.
It's so damn warm out right now (nearly 50) that I should go for a fairly hard 5k run, but this was suppose to be a rest day, a day to do all of my laundry, stock up on groceries, do some stretching, and chill with some Pats vs. Texans football. Karen isn't home right now. She went to do Bikram then meet up with a friend. not sure what time she'll be home. If she's home by 3pm, I'm heading out for a quick 5k I think.
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