About Me

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43yo father of two. Type A, loves to plan, make "todo" lists, and stack things. My heart is on my sleeve. Both sleeves actually. I'm an open book. I favor symmetry. I can't be late for anything. I hate talking politics and religion. I watched the movie “Jaws” when I was much too young (and yes, it still haunts me). I could leap tall buildings in a single bound had I only done more squats and plyometrics as a teen.(Crossfit has me believing that I will one day). For 21 years I hid my mini-battles with OCD, the weirdest obsession revolving around the number “8”, all of which abruptly ended the night of October 27th, 2004. I've never tried an illegal drug, or cigarettes for that matter. People laugh at this, then call me a liar, but it's true. I say "Happy Holidays", not "Merry Christmas". It's the PCness in me I suppose. I leave out the word "God" when I say the Pledge of Allegiance and have so since the 10th grade. I think it has something to do with Separation of Church and State. I prefer sleeping with a night-light. So what? I have one addiction. No wait, two. Actually, three. Ice cream, Crossfit, and triathlon. Yeah, I know, these don't really work together too well.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Week of WOD's 12/31/12 - 1/6/13

Recovery (I use this term loosely), 12/31/12 & 1/1/13

Crossfit Reclamation - "LAREDO" Hero WOD

U.S. Army Staff Sergeant Edwardo Loredo, 34, of Houston, Texas, assigned to the 2nd Battalion, 508th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne Division, based in Fort Bragg, North Carolina, was killed on June 24, 2010 in Jelewar, Afghanistan, when insurgents attacked his unit with an improvised explosive device. He is survived by his wife, First Sergeant Jennifer Loredo; his daughter, Laura Isabelle; his stepdaughter, Alexis; and his son, Eduardo Enrique.

6 rounds of:
24 body weight squats
24 push-ups (had to change to kneeling on round 3)
24 single leg walking lunges (12 per leg)
400m run (outside in 12 degree weather)
***completed in 39:10

Crossfit Reclamation WOD

10min of Double Unders practice
Strength = Strict Shoulder Press - 5x5x5 (95#, 105#, 110# x 4 reps)
6min AMRAP of:
5 Deadlifts at 145#
6 Pull-ups (used blue strap to toe)
7 Box Jumps (24")
*** completed 3 rounds + 3 Box Jumps

Crossfit Reclamation - "VICTORIA"  Hero WOD

Victoria” is a hero wod from fallen teacher Victoria Soto who was a first grade teacher in Newtown. She hid her “angels” as she called her students in a closet behind her during the horror that occurred.

5 Rounds for time:
10 x Thrusters (95# / 75#)
14 x Box Jumps (24" / 20")
12 x SDHP (95# / 75#)
12 x Burpees
27 x ‘American’ KB Swing (53# / 35#)

An extremely difficult WOD, I only had time to complete 3 rounds in 26:26 before I had to scoot out of the Box and get on the road to work.  I did the "scaled" version on the weights, but kept my box jumps at 24".

Open Gym
Since I started my "cleanse", and feeling absolutely horrible (I hadn't replenished or recovered since yesterday's Hero WOD), I was quite sore and lacking energy.  I decided to take it easy, hang with some other crossfitters, and get some pointers on some skills that I had been struggling with.
I rowed 1000m then did about 25min of stretching.  I then worked on Double Unders for about 15min, then did a few wall handstands and some oblique ab stuff for about 5min.

That is my week in review. 

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