About Me

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43yo father of two. Type A, loves to plan, make "todo" lists, and stack things. My heart is on my sleeve. Both sleeves actually. I'm an open book. I favor symmetry. I can't be late for anything. I hate talking politics and religion. I watched the movie “Jaws” when I was much too young (and yes, it still haunts me). I could leap tall buildings in a single bound had I only done more squats and plyometrics as a teen.(Crossfit has me believing that I will one day). For 21 years I hid my mini-battles with OCD, the weirdest obsession revolving around the number “8”, all of which abruptly ended the night of October 27th, 2004. I've never tried an illegal drug, or cigarettes for that matter. People laugh at this, then call me a liar, but it's true. I say "Happy Holidays", not "Merry Christmas". It's the PCness in me I suppose. I leave out the word "God" when I say the Pledge of Allegiance and have so since the 10th grade. I think it has something to do with Separation of Church and State. I prefer sleeping with a night-light. So what? I have one addiction. No wait, two. Actually, three. Ice cream, Crossfit, and triathlon. Yeah, I know, these don't really work together too well.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

"The Cleanse"

I have never done a cleanse like this before.  There are literally hundreds of "detox drinks" and various forms of 1, 3, 5, 7, 14, 21, 30-day, etc. cleanses out there.  I wanted something quick, to the point, and with variety.  I didn't want creamy smoothies with heaping scoops of whey protein and peanut butter.  I wanted fresh, low calorie, low residue, easy to digest, clean, mostly green drinks.  I chose drinks that looked and sounded like all of these things, as well as seemingly easy to prepare.  Since I don't have a blender at work, my afternoon drink which I will have at work can be easily prepared in the morning and will keep nicely for several hours in a fridge.
I plan on a moderate salad each day for lunch which will include only vegetables and 4oz of chicken or tuna.
I am also going to be drinking 4 cups of green tea per day and an additional 50oz of plain water.
My Post-Holiday 72hr Cleanse
(I will try to post pics of each as soon as possible after a make it, or at the end of the cleanse. I'm probably going to start Friday morning, January 4, 2013).

Breakfast (Days 1 & 3)

“The Yummy Green”

½ bunch of spinach leaves
2 big kale leaves (no stems or center veins)
¼ OJ or other unsweetened natural juice
1 small banana
1 kiwi
16-20oz water, blend together

Breakfast (Day 2)

“Ginger Root Boost”

1 inch sliced ginger root
Juice from 1 lemon
6 small carrots
1 seeded apple
16-20oz water, blend together

1-hour After Lunch (Days 1,2 3)

“Master Cleanse”

Juice from ½ of a lemon (2 table spoons)
2 tablespoons of grade B real maple syrup
1/10 teaspoon cayenne pepper
10oz water, blend together

Just before dinner (Day 2)

“The Propellant”

2 cups seedless grapes
3 slices of Kiwi
¼ peeled orange
5 red lettuce leaves
2 cups of water, blend together

Just before dinner (Days 1 & 3)

"The Detox"  -- NOTE: you could quadruple this recipe and just sip on this throughout the day as an alternative to making several other drinks throughout the day.) 

1/8 cup fresh pineapple juice
1/2 cucumber
2 large kale leaves (remove stem and large veines)
juice from 1/4 of a lemon
1/8 inch strip of ginger
1/8 cup of fresh mint

30min before bed (Days 1 & 3)

“Super Green”

1 bunch of spinach (handful of leaves)
1 small cucumber (3-4 inches)
2-3 small stalks of celery
1 small bunch of cilantro
1 cup water, blend together

30min before bed (Day 2)

“The Nightcapper”

1 handful of lettuce (Spring mix)
1 cup seedless grapes
¼ of an orange
2-inch piece of a banana
1 cup of water, blend together

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