About Me

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43yo father of two. Type A, loves to plan, make "todo" lists, and stack things. My heart is on my sleeve. Both sleeves actually. I'm an open book. I favor symmetry. I can't be late for anything. I hate talking politics and religion. I watched the movie “Jaws” when I was much too young (and yes, it still haunts me). I could leap tall buildings in a single bound had I only done more squats and plyometrics as a teen.(Crossfit has me believing that I will one day). For 21 years I hid my mini-battles with OCD, the weirdest obsession revolving around the number “8”, all of which abruptly ended the night of October 27th, 2004. I've never tried an illegal drug, or cigarettes for that matter. People laugh at this, then call me a liar, but it's true. I say "Happy Holidays", not "Merry Christmas". It's the PCness in me I suppose. I leave out the word "God" when I say the Pledge of Allegiance and have so since the 10th grade. I think it has something to do with Separation of Church and State. I prefer sleeping with a night-light. So what? I have one addiction. No wait, two. Actually, three. Ice cream, Crossfit, and triathlon. Yeah, I know, these don't really work together too well.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Week of WOD's 4/1/13 - 4/7/13

CFR - 1hr - 5:30am
WOD: 2 times through
500m row
40 air squats
30 sit-ups
20 hand release push-ups
10 pull-ups (Kip with red ban)
*** completed first round in 6:07, rested for 9min while partner performed WOD, then second round was 6:32.  Both of these rounds were completed fatser than on 1/31/13 when we performed the same WOD (6:43) !!!

CFR - 1hr - 5:30am
Strength: Back Squats
1RM = 185#
3 @ 70% of 1RM = 115#
3 @ 80% of 1RM = 130#
3 @ 90% of 1RM = 150#
WOD: 200m run x 6.  Rest as long as it took to complete the 200m run:
:48,  :48, :47, :52, :44, :42 = total of 8:46.

CFR - 1hr - 5:30am
Mobility only - prepping for The Games WOD 13.5

CFR - 30min - 5:30am
The Crossfit Games Open WOD 13.5:
15 Thrusters @ 100#
15 C2B
 . . . AMRAP in 4min.  If you get to 90 reps in <4min, you get an additional 4min, etc. etc.
*** I only got the 15 Thrusters completed (in 51 sec), but made 8 attempts at a single C2B - so friggin close on several, but lacked the flexibility and strength in upper back to actually pull the bar to my chest to touch it.

CFR - 1hr - 5:30am
Partner WOD (with Andrea Gaudreau): divide the following workout however we need to:
100  53# KB  SDHP's while partner holds a plank position
200m partner carry
50 Tire streikes with sledgehammer while partner does a handstand hold.
100  53# Goblet squats while partner holds a squat
50m wheelbarrow
20 Tire Flips
100 slam balls while partner does a wall squat hold
50  70# cinder ball Atlas Shrugs
*** we finished in 33:08.

Total training time = 4hrs 30min

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