About Me

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43yo father of two. Type A, loves to plan, make "todo" lists, and stack things. My heart is on my sleeve. Both sleeves actually. I'm an open book. I favor symmetry. I can't be late for anything. I hate talking politics and religion. I watched the movie “Jaws” when I was much too young (and yes, it still haunts me). I could leap tall buildings in a single bound had I only done more squats and plyometrics as a teen.(Crossfit has me believing that I will one day). For 21 years I hid my mini-battles with OCD, the weirdest obsession revolving around the number “8”, all of which abruptly ended the night of October 27th, 2004. I've never tried an illegal drug, or cigarettes for that matter. People laugh at this, then call me a liar, but it's true. I say "Happy Holidays", not "Merry Christmas". It's the PCness in me I suppose. I leave out the word "God" when I say the Pledge of Allegiance and have so since the 10th grade. I think it has something to do with Separation of Church and State. I prefer sleeping with a night-light. So what? I have one addiction. No wait, two. Actually, three. Ice cream, Crossfit, and triathlon. Yeah, I know, these don't really work together too well.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Week of WOD's 3/4/13 - 3/10/13

Crossfit Reclamation - 1hr - 5:30am
WOD:  "Diane" = 21 Deadlifts @ 205#, 21 Hand Stand Push-ups (pike position on a 24" box)
                            15 DLs, 15 HSPUs
                             9 DLs, 9 HSPUs
*** completed in 8:10.  (Rx is 225# for males)

Crossfit Reclamation - 1hr - 5:30am
WOD: 4 sets of reps of Back Squats at 60% of 1RM (183# x 0.6 = 111#) -- peformed at 115#
Then 5k run = 24:23 (all of the six 800m splits were within 19sec of each other ranging from 3:42-4:01)

CFR - 1hr - 5:30am
Nothing but Mobility (after a 1000m row).
Only did core and lower body stretching.  Need to get some upper body in tonight at home.
NOTE: The Crossfit Games Open WOD will be released world wide at 5pm today.  CFR plans on doing that WOD on Friday (scores need to be submitted by Sunday night).

CFR - 1hr - 5:30am
Today was a day to prepare for  tomorrow's WOD which is the first in The Crossfit Games Open competition.  For this reason, we worked on some skills that would not interfere with tomorrow's WOD that was anounce late last night.

CFR - 1hr - 5:30am
The Crossfit Games Open competition
WOD: 13.1
17min AMRAP:
40 burpees
30 snatches @ 75#
30 burpees
30 snatches @ 135#
20 burpees
30 snatches @ 165#
10 burpees
snatches AMRAP @ 210#
*** I made it up to the snatches at 135#.  Attempted this 5 times, but was unable to complete a rep at this weight.  At the end of each set of snatches, time is recorded, which acts as the tie breaker should 2 competitors complete the same amount of reps.  I completed 100 reps.  My time at the end of the first set of snatches was 8:28.

Over the weekend (3/9-3/10) I had no formal workouts, but found myself doing random stretching throughout the day when time and location permitted.

This was what I call a "Pull Back Week."  That means there were no tri-specific workouts (no doubles), and had 3 full days off from any cardio or strenth training.

TOTAL Training hours:  5 hours. 1 hour was mobility only.

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