CFR - 1hr - 5:30am
WOD: 5 rounds of:
3 Power Cleans
3 Front Squats
3 Push Press
3 Back Squats
3 Power Cleans
-- all done at 115# (this was 20# below the Rx)
*** completed 5 rounds in 11:10
Then did strict unassisted Pull-ups = 5, 4, 2
(First time I have ever done 5 unassisted Pull-ups)!!!
CFR - 1hr - 5:30am
800m run
15 Wall Balls at 20#
90 Singles (jump rope)
400m run
15 WB's
90 singles
200m run
15 WBs
90 singles
*** completed in 11:33
NOTE: all 270 singles were unbroken!!! In fact, the entire WOD was "unbroken" (no rest at all, nonstop, and each exercise uninterrupted).
CFR - 1hr - 5:30am
Strength: Dead lifts:
5 reps @ 65% of 1RM = 155#
4 @ 185#
3 @ 205#
WOD: 3 rounds for time:
20 KB swings @ 53#
15 walking lunges with 45# dumbbell overhead
10 DL's @ 215# (Rx was 245#)
*** completed in 12:33, but tweaked my back on 4th KB swing. needed to drop from 245# to 215# on the DL's, otherwise it would have been an Rx WOD. Mobility tomorrow and The Games WOD on Friday. Need to get after the strecthing and Motrin and ice later today and tomorrow.
3/14/13 & 3/15/13 - 1hr each day - 5:30am
Mobility only!
Trying hard to get my back to as close to 100% as possible so I can give my Crossfit Games Open 13.2 WOD the best effort. Most of the CFR athletes did their judged WOD today, but I will be attempting it tomorrow morning.
3/16/13 - 45min - 9:30am
The Crossfit Games 13.2 WOD:
10min AMRAP of:
5 Push Presses @ 115#
10 Dead Lifts @ 115#
15 Box Jumps @ 24"
*** completed 176 reps (goal was 162).
OFF - recovering from yesterday's WOD.
Total Training Time: 5 hours 45 min
no triathlon specific workouts this week - I had 3 planned, but because of the tweak in my back, needing extra mobility work, and trying to prepare for The Games 13.2 WOD, I just couldn't get to them.
About Me
- roosta
- 43yo father of two. Type A, loves to plan, make "todo" lists, and stack things. My heart is on my sleeve. Both sleeves actually. I'm an open book. I favor symmetry. I can't be late for anything. I hate talking politics and religion. I watched the movie “Jaws” when I was much too young (and yes, it still haunts me). I could leap tall buildings in a single bound had I only done more squats and plyometrics as a teen.(Crossfit has me believing that I will one day). For 21 years I hid my mini-battles with OCD, the weirdest obsession revolving around the number “8”, all of which abruptly ended the night of October 27th, 2004. I've never tried an illegal drug, or cigarettes for that matter. People laugh at this, then call me a liar, but it's true. I say "Happy Holidays", not "Merry Christmas". It's the PCness in me I suppose. I leave out the word "God" when I say the Pledge of Allegiance and have so since the 10th grade. I think it has something to do with Separation of Church and State. I prefer sleeping with a night-light. So what? I have one addiction. No wait, two. Actually, three. Ice cream, Crossfit, and triathlon. Yeah, I know, these don't really work together too well.
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